Monday, June 11, 2007

* MY FRIEND LEONARD * by James Frey

I first read "A Million Little Pieces" by Mr. Frey and loved the character named Leonard that he met in rehab. I was anxious to read his second book and I am glad that I did.

Mr. Frey chornicles his journey out of the terrifying darkness of addiction and the friend he meets along the way.

*****Rated this book 5/5 because I literally loved it. In his first book, Mr. Frey had attitude and arrogance issues in the he felt that he could conquer addiction all on his own so I was hesitant to even contemplate reading this, his second book. This was great book in which Mr. Frey beautifully explained learning to deal with raw issues sober and to not rely on crutches to help you through the pain and problems in life. This book created so much emotion and feeling, that I would have to lay the book down to cry and then recompose myself before I could begin again. Someday, I will read this book again.

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